Lesson Policies

Payment of Lessons:

1) Fee is $140 for 4 lessons, and $175 for 5 lessons per month, paid in advance. No deductions are to be made to the monthly fee. Canceled lessons are to be made up if applicable.  Canceled lessons are not credited to next month’s fee.

2) Monthly fee is due at the last lesson of the month for the following month’s lessons.  Add a $10.00 late fee if payment is not received by the first lesson of the new month. Payment is still due if that lesson is missed.

3) I do not give refunds. You must either finish out the month or forfeit fees paid.

4) Please give at least two weeks’ notice if you plan to discontinue lessons.

Scheduling and Rescheduling Lessons:

1) A half-hour time slot is reserved for the student. Students are expected to attend every lesson.

2) 24hr. notice must be given for any canceled lesson. A message must be left on my cell phone. There are no make-ups allowed without a 24hr notice*.

3) With 24hr. notice of cancellation, IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT (OR PARENT) to call within one week of a canceled lesson to request a make-up. 24hr. cancellation allowance is 1 for every two months lessons. No exceptions.  Please do not ask me to call you back for a make-up lesson if missed lesson breaks 24hr Policy. 

4) *If student has the flu or other serious illness etc. please let me know ASAP. If student stays home from school due to illness, call me in the morning. 

5) If you will be over 10 min. late, I will assume a no-show unless you call/text to let me know you’re on your way.

6) No lessons will be taught on Memorial Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving (Thursday only), Dec. 24th, 25th, Jan. 1st.  Lessons will be taught during all school breaks and other holidays unless notified.

7)  Students get 3 vacation days per year with two weeks’ advance written notice. In order to hold your lesson time, expect to pay for going over vacation and 24hr. cancel allowance. Vacations days apply towards 24hr cancellation allowance. 8) I take one paid week off per calendar year usually the week around Christmas & New Years.


Always bring to class your instruction book and picks! As you progress, you will need manuscript paper, additional books, and a metronome.


I teach for a living. I am more than willing to work around your schedule as best possible with advance notice. In return, when I need to cancel a day for a gig or other reason, I need students to work with me in rescheduling their lessons.  

